Aunt Jemimah had to die for your syrup.


Joined on 11/29/05

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8.84 votes
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I eagerly await your comments. Great job so far!

Wait no longer. Yours is finished.

I appreciate both the comments and the criticism, thank you.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')

Oh, thanks.

You'd be surprised, but that bird gesture by omgdeletemenow69, is a desperate move he could only think of recently, to portray his actual life size member.

For all those unimpressed, join the forum on his myspace blog.

P.S: Damn you Bolo for blurring out winning names.

I can ALMOST make out those names... Fuck.

(Actually, #1 doesn't look like any of the contestants...?)

Much thanks for the criticism Bolo, and I do agree that the story gets a bit slow during the chase (ironically). I'll probably be shortening that part in my next draft of the story. Sometimes I have a little bit of trouble keeping things concise on my first run through a story.

As for the lack of information regarding the older brother's jail sentence, I suppose a bit more explanation could help. However, I decided to keep the dialogue as vague as possible, because both brothers already know what happened, so it wouldn't make sense for Nicholas to explain every detail to his brother. Maybe I should explain it through narration rather than dialogue, for the reader's sake.

In any case, further revisions are unavoidable, and I appreciate the criticism. It really helps when I know what needs fixing. Thanks again for reading : )

I'm really sorry that your critique is a little short. I'm pretty rushed today, and I didn't expect to be this behind in the reviews right now.

I actually understood the decision to keep Nicholas's background vague, and its necessity for the unified style, but it was more a matter of personal preference and wish to fill in the gaps in the story than anything else that drove me to write that.

Actually, I really should finish the other two reviews right now, before I get even further behind. Rest assured in my ranking, yours is in contention for a good placement.

Wow, 3rd place.... that means a lot.

I never expected to even be mentioned, but this is just awesome.

Thanks for the honorable mention, and the review. You did a really great job, the criticisms, I expected something along those lines. I showed the first few parts of my story to my brother and his comments were along those lines. Top notch judging, couldn't have done better myself.
Thanks very much.

Wow didn't expect that. Thanks for judging the contest, and writing the reviews. They really helped in getting a feel for the quality of the stories, and you put in a lot of time and effort in them.

So...I have to assume by the review I had received, that you had nothing against my story really, but preferred all of those...8, more?

lol i wrote that in like 3 hours what did you expect

also imo I think I did go off tangent but it was the opposite of what you inferred, I got to involved in my own thoughts and lost site of the goals of the contest :(

Sweet! I'm in the ranks! (Just barely, but whatever!)

Thanks, Bolo. I'm glad ya liked it.

Hey, Thanks for all the work you put into the competition.

Thanks for the critical commentary, I'll learn by it.

uhhh ...

i just read your comment on metal gear funnies.

why am i not mentioned?!
and no, i didnt real all of that

Well, if you'd participated in the contest, I'd have been glad to review a submission by you.
